Do-A-Dot Art! 5 Pack Dot Markers | Ultra Bright Shimmer
Our Ultra Bright Shimmer markers are bright, bold, and shimmery. They are perfect to decorate your room with beautiful wall art, using these 5 amazing shimmering colors.
Our Ultra Bright Shimmer markers are bright, bold, and shimmery. They are perfect to decorate your room with beautiful wall art, using these 5 amazing shimmering colors. Each marker comes in a no spill, no splash bottles, which makes set up and clean up a breeze. Just twist off the cap and let the fun begin!
Includes: Magenta, Coral, Lemon Yellow, Aqua, Lavender
Washable, Easy set-up, easy clean up. No spill no splash bottles
Dries Quickly. Sponge Tips Never Dries Out
Easy to grip bottles for little hands
Special formula allows you to Mix, Blend, and Layer Color
Each Marker contains a generous 2.5 ounces of ink. Each 6 pack set will create over 1000 projects. What a great value!
Made in the USA